BMG With a Lime Twist
BMG With a Lime Twist
Swaying high pile in a sherbet palette. The movement and the fizz of the front belies a more traditional piece. In Berber knots of hand-spun wool with a little curl, small symbols in lime, tangerine, and cream, nestle into swirling raspberry abrash to give the overall effect of colorful animal print. Spotted, dotted, plush, a little wild. The back reveals a more classic story with rows of birds feet, squares, small diamonds, forms both geometric and organic, the building blocks of Berber symbolic language. There are small repairs and spots of wear but they disappear into the lush colors and kinetic texture.
DIMENSIONS – 9’7" by 6’2" (measurement without fringe)
ORIGIN – Vintage Beni M’guild, Middle Atlas
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