BMG Every Rose 10'10" by 6'

BMG Every Rose 10'10" by 6'
Wonderful details revealed by time. It would have been a high pile rug once, tightly woven with Berber knots as bedding in a mountain climate. But decades of use has worn it low and brought out its skilled, intricate design. A typical lozenge network here is not so typical, each filled until they resemble shields. The edges, too, have protective symbols, with fish skeletons that dissolve on one end but still frame things well. That skewed symmetry is visible throughout, order sacrificed to complexity and a riot of symbols. But the scale is harmonious and the palette stunning so that it is pretty in a deeply serious way. The high contrast of rose hues on charcoal gives way on one end to light olive and it’s almost translucent. One more beautiful detail in a rug with too many to count